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Associate Engine is built upon our expertise and also upon our
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- Is there support? And is it free? Yes. Yes.
- Is it easy to install? Yes.
- Is it easy to use? Yes.
- Are other webmasters using this? Yes.
- Does Amazon.com recommend this? Yes.
- Is there sample HTML that I can copy/paste? Yes.
- Can I customize it? Yes.
- Is there a free trial version? Yes.
- Do I make 100% of the commission? Yes.
- Does it work with GoDaddy.com? No
- more...
"...[Associate Engine] is a truly professional product, and it is
just one of a number of tools that [Cusimano.Com Corporation] promotes to Associates on [its] Web site. If you want to use an
application offered by a real business with a specific mission to help Associates, the [Associate Engine] script is the way to
go." -- Amazon.com LLC
- "It only took me about ten days to make my money back."
- "I have seen a marked increase in revenue."
- "Very easy to set up."
- "I'm impressed with how fast it sends back results!"
- "Thank's for the help, and the nice script!"
- "Works great."
- "I have an entire store ready for visitors."
- "I have now sold some books."
- "People are staying longer on my site."
- "This is a real gem."
- "It worked 'out of the box'..."
- "This product is amazing!"
- "I am so happy with it"
- "A kick-butt product"
- "Has made my life very easy."
PC Magazine, September 2003
Everywhere" by Jim Akin
Web Services Report, June 2003, "Amazon, E-commerce and APIs; Real-life stories of Amazon's Web services
initiative" by Warren Keuffel
NetworkWorldFusion, June 2003, "Amazon offers Web services" by Mark
TechWeb, May 19/2003, "Amazon Updates Web Services Tool"
Amazon.com, May 19/2003,
Amazon.com Web
Services Announces Trio of Milestones press release
Mentioned in Allan
AssociatePrograms.com newsletters
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