#-- Notice -- # ae.ini v5.09.05 # Associate Engine ae.pl configuration file # (c)2001-2004 Cusimano.Com Corporation, all rights reserved # Documentation: https://www.c3scripts.com/amazon # Note: All lines starting with a "#" are comments. # Add a "#" to the start of a line to effectively delete it. #-- Settings you might have to change -- # NOTE: Your amazon.com ID (USA associates program) is set in your ae.key file. # To request your ae.key file, see: https://www.c3scripts.com/amazon/key # If you are an associate of the international Amazon.com, Inc. associate # programs then specify your associate ID's for those programs below. amazonid.ca NONE # amazon.ca ID (Canada associates program) amazonid.de NONE # amazon.de ID (Germany associates program) amazonid.fr NONE # amazon.fr ID (Germany associates program) amazonid.jp NONE # amazon.co.jp ID (Japan associates program) amazonid.uk NONE # amazon.co.uk ID (United Kingdom associates program) clickbankid NONE # ClickBank.com ID See https://www.c3scripts.com/affiliates #-- Settings you might want to change -- script "ae" # name of script (do not include the .pl ending); ""=use default pageSize 10 # results per page price "" # filter based on price: ""=no filter, "1000-5000"=from $10.00 to $50.00 inclusive showPrices yes # show prices prices.color "#990000" # color of prices prices.color.grid "#339900" # color of prices when using grid showReviews yes # show reviews search.default "" # URL parameters to use if none specified virtual.dir "" # virtual directory URL: directory; ""=don't use virtual directory path virtual.ending "/" # virtual directory URL: ending; e.g.: "/" or "/index.html" or ".html" virtual.redir yes # virtual directory: yes=redirect non-virtual to virtual; no=don't imageWH no # yes=include image width/height attributes (slower); no=don't (faster) # Note: It is recommend that you set imageWH to "no" so that results are # returned faster. If set to "yes", additional data must be fetched # (and cached) from amazon.com's website thus slowing down results # the first time they are returned. viewCart yes # yes=add "View shopping cart" link; no=don't add link list.style 1 # default list format: 1=graphical, 2=bulleted list grid "" # default for grid script parameter grid.brief no # yes=brief details in grids, no=standard details addto.buy yes # yes=show "Buy from amazon.com" button; no=don't addto.buyfrom yes # yes=show "Buy from" international Amazon links; no=don't addto.graphics yes # yes=graphical "add to..." buttons; no=text buttons (except Quick-Click) addto.newwindow yes # yes=buttons open new window; no=stay in same window (except Quick-Click) addto.newwindow.target "_blank" # name of window for target= attribute when addto.newwindow is yes (except Quick-Click) addto.quickclick no # yes=show "Buy from amazon.com" Quick-Click buttons; no=don't addto.quickclick.style 1 # Button style: 1=wide/dark, 2=wide/lite, 5=narrow/dark, 6=narrow/lite addto.textstyle yes # yes=apply style in addto.textstyle.style to "Buy from" buttons; no=don't addto.textstyle.style "background-color:#FFCF60; color:#000060; cursor:hand; width:120pt;" # style for "Buy from" buttons prevNext yes # yes=include "Previous/More Results" links and results range; no=don't include prevNext.max 10000 # N=maximum number of results to show "More Results"; 0 (number zero)=always prevNext.graphics yes # yes=graphical "Previous/More Results" buttons; no=text links prevNext.total no # yes="NNN - NNN of NNN" as results range; no="NNN - NNN" as results range newWindow yes # yes=all links open new window; no=links don't open new window newwindow.target "_blank" # name of window for target= attribute when newwindow is yes refNoSim yes # yes=add "ref=nosim" to ASIN links; no=don't add "ref=nosim" to links redir no # yes=use redirected links; no=use direct links browse.index yes # yes=show browse node index; no=show browse node bestsellers browse.more yes # yes=include "Browse more" links on browse node index; no=don't browse.style 1 # 1=format browse index as a bullet list; 2=format as a plain list browse.width 3 # N=number of columns in browse index (N=1, 2, or 3) browse.grid xgridB # ""=don't show bestsellers on browse index; non-""=grid style to use browse.grid.mag xgridMag # style to use for bestselling magazine A-Z lists # Note: asinsearch.format sets how product details are displayed. # Use "" to show product details at www.amazon.com or use a # format name to show product details using ae.pl with that # format file. # # For example, try using "details" to see what product details # look like with the {SCRIPT}-format/details.fmt format file. # Also try other values such as "details1", "details2", ..., # "detail7" until you find a details page format that you like. # # Note: When you use asinsearch.format, the links on the results # page will say something like "/cgi-bin/ae.pl?asinsearch=..." # without your associate ID -- that's okay since the link goes # back to ae.pl (to show the product's detail page) rather # than to amazon.com. The links on the details page contain # your associate ID. asinsearch.format "" # Format to use to show product details locally; use "" to disable # Use the availability.* variables to specify how the "Availability" # field is to be shown. Items available only in the Amazon.com Marketplace # have availability of "This item is not stocked or has been discontinued." # These variables let you change that text or cause the availability field # to not be shown. Amazon.com does pay a commission on Marketplace items. availability yes # yes=show availability; no=don't show any availability availability.notavailable yes # yes=show availability if "not available"; no=don't show availability.notavailable.text "Used & new" # Text to show if "not available" availability.marketplace yes # yes=show availability if in marketplace only; no=don't show availability.marketplace.text "Used & new" # Text to show if in marketplace only availability.notstocked yes # yes=show availability if "not stocked"; no=don't show any availability availability.notstocked.text "Used & new" # Text to show if "not stocked" cache.size 10mb # cache size cache.stale 1 # cache stale hours imgCache.size 1mb # image-cache size imgCache.stale 90days # image-cache stale hours maxLoad 20 # non-zero=maximum server load then no results; 0=don't check load #-- Settings related to templates -- # In *.dir variables, you can use the special value {SCRIPT} and it will be # substituted automatically with the name of the script. This allows you to # easily rename the script and have all related variables automatically # adjust. For example, if the script is named shop.pl and the value is # {SCRIPT}-cache then the value automatically becomes shop-cache # Templates let you customize the format of the page that results are shown on. A basic # template is provided in the directory {SCRIPT}-template and more advanced store templates # are provided in the directory {SCRIPT}-template/store Note: You do not have to use these # templates. They are provided so you can quickly set up an online store. You can create # your own templates from scratch if you wish (see online documentation for details). # To use the store templates, set template.dir to "{SCRIPT}-template/store" # If you wish to use your own templates or the basic template provided, # then leave template.dir set to "{SCRIPT}-template" template.dir "{SCRIPT}-template" # template files directory # The following store.* variables are used in the basic and store templates provided. # If you are using your own templates then you can ignore these store.* variables. # The following *.color variables set the colors used by various elements of the basic # template and of the store templates, such as: tab color, text color, background color, # border color. store.sitetitle.text "{cfg.site.domain} Product Guide" # Site title store.sitetitle.color "#009900" # Color of site title store.pagetitle.text "{title} - {cfg.site.domain} Product Guide" # Webpage title store.title.color "#006600" # Color of title store.tabs.color "#009900" # Color of tabs store.navbar.color "#006600" # Color of navbar store.hover yes # yes=use link hover; no=don't (use browser default) store.hover.color "#FFFF00" # Color of link while mouse is on top of it ("" = no change) store.search.text.color "#FFFFFF" # Color of "Search" text store.search.bg.color "#FF6060" # Color of "Search" background store.search.border.color "#FF0000" # Color of "Search" box border # The following store.best.* variables set attributes of the "Top Sellers" sidebar. # Note: The variable xgridB (see last section of this file) sets attributes of the # Top Sellers" grid that appears on browse index pages. store.best.text.color "#FFFFFF" # Color of "Top Sellers" text store.best.bg.color "#009900" # Color of "Top Sellers" background store.best.border.color "#336633" # Color of "Top Sellers" border store.best.text "Top Selling" # Text to use for "Top Sellers" store.best.format "column" # Name of format for "Top Sellers" store.best.pagesize 5 # Number of items in "Top Sellers" # NOTE: The store templates require that format file {SCRIPT}-format/column.html # be present. It controls the formatting of the "Top Sellers" column (as specified # by store.best.format). # The store templates depend upon graphic files to create the tabs. These graphic # files are supplied in the directory "{SCRIPT}-template/store/shop-img". Create # a directory called "shop-img" in the root directory of your website and copy # these graphic files to it. If you want to use a different directory, then you # must change the following variable to indicate the URL where the user's web # browser can find the images. store.img.url "/{SCRIPT}-img" # URL where images are located. # The following store.navbar.* variables control the navigation bar. store.navbar.home.url "/" # URL of "Home" link store.navbar.home.text "Home" # Text of "Home" link store.navbar.here.text ". You are here:" # Text of "You are here:" # The following store.include.* variables control the inclusion of a # header and/or footer. You can set the variables to any of the following: # # - empty, i.e.: "" # # - HTML, e.g.: "


" # # - include statement, e.g.: "{include header}" # File is loaded from ae-include/*.html # such as ae-include/header.html # # - SSI include, e.g.: "[an error occurred while processing this directive]" # Notice the use of apostrophes ' around someurl. # The someurl can be relative to / such as # /header.html or it can be absolute such as # http://www.mydomain.com/header.html store.include.head "" # include just before tag store.include.body.header "" # include just after tag store.include.results.before "" # include just before {results} store.include.results.after "" # include just after {results} store.include.body.footer "" # include just before tag #-- Settings you can leave as is -- sort "" # default sort order format.library "" # format library (do not include filename extension) format.fixbraces yes # yes=replace %7B and %7D with { and }; no=don't cache.compress yes # cache compression cache.dir "{SCRIPT}-cache" # cache directory cache.ssi yes # yes=cache SSI include statements; no=don't (see ssi.include below) imgCache.compress yes # image-cache compression imgCache.dir "{SCRIPT}-imgcache" # image-cache directory image.none.url "" # URL of your own image to show when product has no image imageWH.spider "FAST-WebCrawler" # List of spiders so imageWH turns off imageWH.spider+ "Googlebot" imageWH.spider+ "ia_archiver" imageWH.spider+ "Scooter" imageWH.spider+ "WISEnutbot" format.dir "{SCRIPT}-format" # format files directory include.dir "{SCRIPT}-include" # include files directory asin.dir "{SCRIPT}-asin" # ASIN files directory upc.dir "{SCRIPT}-upc" # UPC files directory exclude.dir "{SCRIPT}-exclude" # exclusion files directory exclude.file "" # file containing list of ASIN's to exclude exclude.list "" # list of ASIN's to exclude copyrightAmazon yes # show Copyright Amazon.com line copyrightAmazon.color CCCCCC # color of Copyright Amazon.com line credit no # show "Powered by c3scripts.com" credit line credit.color CCCCCC # color of credit line packHtml yes # remove extraneous characters packHtml.doctype yes # yes=remove ; no=don't log 0 # log type (0=none, 1=start events, 2=start & end events) log.dir . # log directory log.size 1mb # log size log.include.script no # yes=include script calls in log; no=don't log.include.ssi no # yes=include SSI calls in log; no=don't log.include.iframe no # yes=include IFRAME calls in log; no=don't xfer.retriesMax 0 # maximum number of retries; 0=don't retry xfer.timeout 30 # timeout for transfer (seconds) xml.pause yes # yes=pause 1 second between XML requests; no=don't pause xml.heavy yes # use heavy XML rather than lite XML xml.grid.lite yes # use lite XML when grid parameter specified links.relurl yes # yes=use relative URL's in local links; no=use absolute URL's links.names yes # yes=link names (artists/authors/directors/actors); no=don't links.xml yes # yes=use URL's from XML; no=build URL's internally ssi.include yes # yes=convert SSI include statements to real HTML; no=don't ssi.script yes # yes=convert