Associate Engine : Revisions History : v8.04.12  
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v8.04.13 (April 13, 2007)

Browse v8.04.13

Upgrade instructions

  1. Download the Associate Engine .zip distribution file and unzip it into a temporary directory on your computer, such as into c:\ae

  2. Upload to your webserver's cgi-bin directory (or to whatever directory you normally put script in). Note: If necessary, edit the first line so it indicates where Perl is on your server; default is #!/usr/local/bin/perl Note: Be sure to upload in ASCII mode and set the file permissions (i.e.: CHMOD 755 which is rwxr-xr-x).

NOTE: If you find that stops working after an upgrade (either you see "500 Internal Server Error" or nothing shows up because you're using <script> or SSI tags), then the first thing to always do is re-upload in ASCII mode and then re-enable the execute permissions (CHMOD). This is the most common upgrade problem. See solutions.


  1. Critical: Supports ECS4.

    Previous versions use Amazon ECS3, which has now discontinued, thus causing "No results found" to be displayed. This new version uses ECS4 and is a mandatory update.

  2. New: New and stores.

    New stores are supported. These new stores can be used with mode= and browse= parameters:

    • stores: Apparel, Automotive, Baby, Beauty, Books, Classical, DigitalMusic, DVD, Electronics, GourmetFood, Grocery, HealthPersonalCare, HomeGarden, Industrial, Jewelry, KindleStore, Kitchen, Magazines, MP3Downloads, Music, MusicalInstruments, MusicTracks, OfficeProducts, OutdoorLiving, PCHardware, PetSupplies, Photo, Software, SportingGoods, Tools, Toys, UnboxVideo, VHS, Video, VideoGames, Watches, Wireless, WirelessAccessories.

    • stores: Apparel, Baby, Books, Classical, DVD, Electronics, HealthPersonalCare, HomeGarden, Kitchen, Music, MusicTracks, OutdoorLiving, Software, SoftwareVideoGames, SportingGoods, Tools, Toys, VHS, Video, VideoGames, Watches.

  3. New: parameter and configuration variable added.

    New parameter and new configuration variable have been added (default no). When the results consist of only one item and the grid parameter has been specified and asinsearch.format is set (to show details locally), the grid parameter is ignored and the asinsearch.format takes precedence. By setting the parameter or the configuration variable to yes, the grid will take precedence and a 1x1 grid will be shown.

  4. Improve: More browse index pages.

    Supports browsing of more browse index pages (pages showing bulleted list of sub-categoreis). Browse index pages are rendered faster and more accurately.

  5. Improve: "Buy from" add-to-cart buttons.

    The "Buy from" add-to-cart buttons use ECS4.

  6. Fix: "View Shopping Cart" link.

    The "View Shopping Cart" link now displays the shopping cart page rather than the homepage.

  7. Fix: Handle symbols in keywords searches with Virtual Directory.

    On some servers, if Virtual Directory is enabled and the user enters a keyword search containing certain symbols (e.g.: quotation mark ", apostrophe ', percent %), then a "500 Internal Server Error" message would be generated by the server because of the way mod_rewrite and interact. Symbols are now stripped from the keywords when submitted. This new feature can be disabled by setting the new configuration variable virtual.filter.keyword to no (default is yes).

  8. Fix: refnosim and links.xml configuration variables now ignored.

    refnosim is now always no thus "ref=nosim" links are never generated. links.xml is now always yes thus the product URL's specified by are always used rather than AE internally creating the product URL's.

Prior to this point was Associate Engine v7.11.04.

E.&O.E.; © Cusimano.Com Corporation;