MS-DOS Commands :: type


Use the type command to display the contents of a file.

Command Variations:

type  filename

Displays on the screen the contents of the file named filename. For example, "type mystuff.txt" displays the contents of the file mystuff.txt located in the current directory.

If you want to display a file that is in a directory other than the current directory, then use the "cd" command first or include the directory name, such as: "type \mystuff\ebooks\list.txt".

Note: If the contents of the file is more than one screenful, then you should use the "more" command instead otherwise the text will scroll off the top of the window without stopping.

help type

Displays the contents of a text file or files.

TYPE [drive:][path]filename

(Enlarge: help type)

Related Commands:

Displays the contents of a file one screen at a time.
Run the Windows Notepad text editor.